Discrete Consulting Services – We work with clients to provide services under flexible contract terms.
Delivering To Our Clients
We have a proven track record of delivering services leading to contracted outcomes to a range of clients and client types. Diversity of experience and skills in different sectors is one of the strengths of BGA.
With our proven track record of performance, we are recognised as one of the country’s most experienced providers of services to business, government, industry associations as well as to leading employment and training providers.
This may involve but not limited to:
- Investigating and test new business model ideas
- Developing clear stakeholder risk and communications plans
- Developing and executing effective strategies for disruptive change
- Reviewing business or industry competencies to navigate transformational change
- Undertaking whole or industry segment research to better understand the marketplace
- Working closely with a client or industry grouping to prepare a strategy and program to bring concerns or industry wants and needs to the appropriate government agency or department
- Preparing new proposals or work with clients an existing government programs to secure funding to improve the productivity of a business
worldwide services
BGA has helped clients trying to seek an understanding of frameworks of skills, vocational educational and training in Australia’s trading partner countries particularly the Asian Pacific region.
BGA has prepared reports that focus on the critical elements of the vocational education and training system including the qualifications framework, quality assurance processes, employer/industry input and engagement in the training system, development of training products and materials, the role of governments, including training authorities and regulators.
In particular the in-depth experience in BGA enables us to provide strategies to minimise risk for businesses wanting to interface with overseas workforces, governments or regulators.
frequently asked questions
BGA engages with our clients in a number of ways. We help them solve business problems by practical and realistic assessments of opportunities and challenges.
BGA are experienced providers of services to business, government, industry associations as well as to leading employment and training providers. These services range across education and training systems, preparing a whole-of-market assessment of an industry or sectors to assisting clients understand the opportunities that exist for them.
We have a range of consultants with a deep understanding across business and government in many sectors who know the successful paths to the outcomes you want.
We are flexible in terms of outcome defined arrangements, time based or retainers to suit your budget and the timelines you have. The arrangements are always discreet and confidential.