- Energy Department,
- Prime Minister’s Office,
- Brunei Darussalam

Report not publicly available
April 2012 through to February 2013
Project Overview:
BGA was engaged by the Energy Department in the Prime Minister’s Office, to work on the development of a competency framework for the Energy Industry in Brunei Darussalam. This project required extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders in Brunei, including employers, as part of a comprehensive analysis of the current environment, the identification of existing workforce issues and subsequent industry requirements.
Project Outcomes:
The development of the Energy Industry Competency Framework (EICF) was built around four key components:
- – A national Brunei Darussalam Qualifications Framework which provides a platform of qualifications at all levels in education and training from school, through technical and vocational training, to higher education.
- – National Standards for Registered Training Organisations, or training providers. This will ensure that training is nationally recognised, of a high standard, and leads to employment.
- – National Standards for technical teachers and trainers to ensure that their skills are up to date and that they are experts in their field.
- – A competency based system for critical occupations to allow employers to determine the skills required as part of a qualification directly linked to jobs in their companies, initially for the oil and gas industry.
Over the course of the project, BGA delivered a series of products including:
- – A draft position paper on the development and implementation of the EICF
- – Forecasting and manpower planning paper, incorporating data requirements
- – EICF Registered Training Organisation self- assessment tool
- – EICF National Quality Framework, including RTO standards and registration requirements and standard for technical teachers and trainers
- – Skilled Worker Employer Survey to determine critical occupations
- – 21 individual competency profiles for critical skills worker occupations with multiple individual supporting units of competency
- – National Apprenticeship system report
- – EICF Working Group terms of reference
- – Terms of reference for a Project Steering Committee, and the Joint Implementation Group
- – A series of project updates for distribution to interested stakeholders
- – A presentation on the Australian vocational education and training system to government representatives
- – Final report on all aspects of the EICF
For further information about this project, contact Steve Balzary on 0418 215 732